Is your SEO strategy really effective?

While everyone is putting the best efforts on their site’s SEO, there are only a few people who are able to achieve what we call, Effective SEO.

Are you sure you’re from the latter group?

We know you are and hence we want you to learn more about it, but If you think you might belong the former category, this article is the thing you need to read right now.

We, at one of the deemed best SEO companies in Chandigarh, have taken all the flavors of Effective SEO and tossed them up with informative pointers to make a wholesome SEO recipe that you and the search engine are so gonna love.

So, to begin with, let’s lay out a plan. SEO is all about planning things right because there is a lot to cover. There are three phases to this plan which cover all the important aspects of your site’s SEO. We have also extra resource tips wherever necessary so that you don’t have to search them elsewhere.

The gist of the article lies in three main components, measuring the performance, fixing what all is inappropriate and finally experimenting more to take the step-up the game.

Let’s start!


To steer yourself in the right direction, you need to know what’s your current position. You will need the following tools to analyze your SEO status.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a complete package that will measure all the key determinants of SEO such as Click-Through-Rate, Bounce Rate and the Search Traffic that your site is getting.

You can check what all traffic channels are working better for you and what

Are the demographics of your audience. It has clean and comprehensive reports for all the parameters. If you feel the numbers are overwhelming, you can simply ask the intelligence bot a direct question, for instance, “What are the most viewed pages this week” and it’ll get you a tabulated answer. It also gives performance suggestions from time to time.

2. Seoptimer

Seoptimer is a free tool that helps you to pinpoint the weak areas of your site’s SEO in an interactive way. Simply enter the site’s URL and it’ll mention all the technicalities you need to work on. It also grades each aspect of your site’s SEO separately with a grade of “A+” or “C-” to give you a clear idea. This is the most exhaustive

3. Google Webmasters

Google Webmasters is mainly focused on your search rankings and all the data related to it. It is also, a free service that’ll help your SEO performance in terms of Google’s practicality. You can obtain crawl error results, broken link reports, SEO suggestions and much more using Webmasters. It is the forefront manager of your site’s SEO game.

If you haven’t set up webmasters yet, this is how you do it.

Recommended Read: 6 Tools to improve your online Business 


 Now that you have a fair idea of your site’s SEO status, you can join dots together to make a working strategy. The strategy will consist of the following:

Detailed Description of Each Step

  1. From Phase I, you must have obtained all the things that need work. You just need to make a distinct list with separate headings such as “Meta Tags”, “Broken Links”, “Page Titles” etc in order to fix everything properly. You need to prioritize the issues and get working on the most critical ones.
  • In general, you need to take care of
  • Metadata – Meta Descriptions, Meta Title, and Meta Keywords
  • Heading Tags – <H1>,<H2>,<H3> tags
  • Keyword Density – About 1 – 3 % is acceptable by Google. (This means your keyword should repeat about 1 – 3 times per 100 words.)

     2. To do this, we recommend Yoast Plugin for your site which helps you add all the meta content easily without using any HTML coding. The WordPress supported Plugin takes care of your on-page SEO rather well.

The plugin would allow you to work on Keywords as well. This something very important for your site to work well. As Local SEO Guide states it,
Businesses that have a strong keyword in the business name rank 1.5 spots higher than if there is no keyword in the name.”

Keywords can be tricky to catch. There is a cut-throat competition for high-yielding keywords for companies in the same niche and the ranking of a particular site depends upon its SEO credibility. For example, if you are a house cleaning agency, the keyword, “House Cleaning agent in [your location]” or you are an SEO outsourcer; “outsource SEO services” will generate results for all your rival agencies in your location. You have to stay at the top of them by using the keyword wisely.

There are a few other factors in this step listed below that you must optimize,

Page Speed –

The load timing of your page should be fast. In a report by Kissmetrics, It’s stated that 40% percent users abandon a website if it doesn’t load in first 3 seconds. You can optimize your page speed by using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. It will provide you a score and all the resources/tips you need to improve page speed.


It’s a self-explanatory fact that if your content or website text is not easy to read, the user will be pissed off real soon. We read the online content in a different way and by that we mean, impatiently. We need to digest information quickly and easily. To do this you can use the Yoast’s readability option to write easy-to-read posts!


Mobile websites are the most ignored sector. “75% percent of internet use will be mobile in 2017, up slightly from 2016, as a growing number of consumers around the world access the web on smartphones and tablets, media buying agency Zenith forecasts. (Source: Reuters)” Simply use the Google Mobile Friendliness Test to determine the same and find all the optimizations you need to pass it!

User Interface 

The UI is an inevitable part of your site’s SEO. The easier your site is to use, the more people will come back to it and more time will these people spend on it. Boosting SEO metrics in every way.

3. Once your technical aspect has been handled, it’s time you grow the effort to new channels. It’s time to explore and network. The main purpose of SEO is to look good in the eyes of the Search Engine and a great way to do this is by linking-in to a good number of websites. This is what we call a backlink.

Backlinks are hard to get. No one’s going to put your site’s link on their website unless you offer something really useful. So, to do it, work on your content as much as you can. The expression, “Content is King” is incomplete without saying “Content is King for SEO.” Content Marketing directly affects SEO and unmarketed content finds no place to go other than the second place of Google search results. Ever been there?

To Market Your Content, try the following tips;

Try guest blogging and submit well-researched posts to high domain-authority websites. You have to be smart to do that. Write a classy email to pitch for the same and always remember to appreciate the content of the prospect.

Spread your content on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Linked In, is also one of the fastest growing options for marketers. Reddit, with all its peculiarities, is an unmatched option for the same.

Email the links and an excerpt of your latest posts to your subscribers and grab their attention to the site time and again. Email marketing is one the best tools you can use for your content. As a matter of fact,

“95% of companies using marketing automation are taking advantage of email marketing. – Regalix

4. SEO is vast. There is a lot to be done and not everything will hit the bullseye. You have to keep a close watch on what is working for you and what’s not. Especially, the keywords. To do this, we will go back to the tools used in Phase I and analyze the website’s progress to determine the Key Performance Indicators or KPI’s. A sound knowledge of these will expand your SEO business to a whole new dimension.

Some tips to mark the KPI’s

  1. Use the Acquisitions Tab in Google Analytics to determine from where do you get most of the traffic. Which social network works the best for you and you’ll know which one to focus on more.
  2. Use the Alexa Siteinfo Tool to determine what keywords work for you the most and how is your world rank doing over time. It will also provide you info about important backlinks and domain authority.
  3. Use Sumo Tools bundle to measure how your email capturing mechanisms are doing. How many times did the pop-up box come up in a given week and what kind of design works the best for you. The email list is a goldmine for marketers.
  4. Use Google Campaign Manager built-in Google Analytics to tag your marketing campaign links with special tracking codes. This will create a separate list of metrics for your campaign and help you monitor it properly. The results will come handy in the next campaigns.

Recommended Read: Online Marketing in 2017: It’s time for a change


At last, the final phase is to learn new things by yourself as you play with new tools daily. We deem SEO as a creative domain, so it needs experimentation on a constant basis. Don’t be afraid to use common typos in your keywords or occasionally host giveaway contests on low performing social media. The more you experiment, the more you learn. This fact equally applies to SEO!

Seo Sherpa has made a list of easy experiments that you can try on your own to boost your search rankings even more!

We recommend   into untapped areas like
  • Making Infographics
  • Offering Free Resources such as pdf guides related to your niche
  • Participate in knowledge sharing communities such as QuoraTom’s HardwareStack Overflow (tech niche) etc.
  • Host regular traffic-driving campaigns such as Quiz Contest on social platforms, giveaway campaigns etc.
  • Ask for customer feedback via personalized emails.

After trying all the tricks that we have put down in this article, you’ll see a dramatic growth in your site’s keyword rankings as well as traffic. This will result in the higher lead generation and successful conversions.

After this, your ultimate goal of creating a website in the first place will be achieved via increasing sales, the number of users, or whatever makes you happy. We would like to advise that SEO and online business are two very patience demanding things, but if you give them the required effort, the fruit is sweeter than your expectation. So, keep up the good work and never be afraid to experiment!

We have tried to lend words to the years of experience that made us the best SEO services in Chandigarh, hope you can relate and put everything to the best use!

Need more help, email us anytime and don’t forget to leave your email to receive regular updates about our tasty articles.